
Human Rights on Several Fronts in Israel/PNA

At a time of significant international interest in the region, Amnesty International hopes that it will lead to a renewed focus on human rights issues as the best way to…

February 3, 2010


Palestinian Nonviolent Resistance Has Strong Roots

Remarks made by Bono , New York Times columnist Nicholas D. Kristof and President Barack Obama stating they hoped Palestinians would find their Martin Luther King, Jr. (MLK) or Gandhi…

January 28, 2010


Local activists targeted in occupied Palestinian territories

Abdallah Abu Rahme is affable and articulate.  Last July, when I called to set up a time to talk before one of the weekly protests in his village, Bi'lin in the occupied West Bank, he made…

December 23, 2009


Troubled Waters: Palestinians Denied Fair Access to Water

Israel is denying Palestinians their right to access to adequate water by using discriminatory and restrictive policies. Donatella Rovera, senior researcher on Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories said, “Israel…

October 30, 2009


ACT Now: Why the U.S. must listen to Goldstone

The United States is fast losing their credibility in the region and among Human Rights organizations and activists over our reluctance to support the recommendations contained in Justice Richard Goldstone's…

September 22, 2009


Netanyahu ok's settlement expansion despite US displeasure

Binyamin Netanyahu, Israel's Prime Minister, has approved the construction of hundreds of new homes in the occupied West Bank and east Jerusalem despite statements by the U.S. government, including many by…

September 8, 2009


15-Year-Old Palestinian Turns To ICC For Justice

After witnessing the deaths of her father Fathi, her sister Ismat, and her brother Ala on January 14, Amira Alqerem has turned to the (ICC) seven months later in hopes…

September 3, 2009


Heavy Criticism Emerges after Jerusalem Evictions

Yesterday, approximately 55 Arabs, including 14 children, were evicted from their houses in east Jerusalem neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah after the Israeli Supreme Court ruled in favor of Jewish families…

August 3, 2009